Date and Time
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EDT
Thursday, September 14th
7:45a.m.- 8:30a.m.
Contact Information
Mariah Arana
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Rise Up with the Chamber
Our next Rise Up with the Chamber will be Thursday, September 14th from 7:45a.m.- 8:30a.m. here at the Chamber. Our host for this event will be PLT Therapy. Valerie Kline is looking forward to sharing her business work with us explaining all that she does. We will also have 2 other businesses that will be sharing as well. Light refreshments will be available. Mariah will be live on Facebook with each guest speaker. So, come and enjoy some early morning networking, coffee and learn a little new information too. Just a quick 45 minutes before you have to head off to work. Hope to see you here.